Aatmaja Patel female Physiotherapist Blacktown Westpoint Health

Female Physiotherapist in Blacktown, Seven Hills and Marayong

Aatmaja Patel

Aatmaja is a female Physiotherapist who consults at Westpoint Health, and has over 8 years of university and clinical experience. She has completed her Masters of Physiotherapy and specialises in musculoskeletal and sport conditions. She also consults at our Dural clinic.

Aatmaja is an attentive clinician who believes in working towards the clients goals. She finds clear communication to be one of her strongest skills and enjoys building rapport with her clients. She has a special interest in knee, ankle, and shoulder conditions and has experience treating a wide age group. She has helped people as young as 4 weeks old, and as old as 99 years of age!

Aatmaja is currently pursuing a second Masters in Public Health from Western Sydney University in order to further expand her knowledge and skills.

Get to know the other sides of Aatmaja

Outside of work Aatmaja is not just a Physio...

Coastal walks

Coastal Hiker

On weekends, you'll find Aatamaja enjoying the sun whilst walking and hiking on her favourite coastal walks along the South Coast of NSW.

Home cooking

Home Cooker

Aatmaja is an amazing cook, and makes some delicious foods from scratch, using fresh vegetables and herbs from her own garden!

Herb garden

Herb Gardener

Aatmaja has strong thumbs for Physio, and a green thumb for growing fresh herbs in the garden! She uses the fresh chives, rosemary, thyme, mint, and basil in her cooking.

Aatmaja's recent blog posts

Ready to book a session with Aatmaja?
Call us on 02 8662 0496 today!
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